Design studio 1

Second trimester started off with direct reflection; What did we do in term one, what did we do differently in comparison to previous work and how do we utilize these differences in the upcoming term?

First main learning of term 1: The most noticable difference that came to mind was the shift from the underlying assumption that design should always starts fresh, clean, new, imported, uncut, unpainted and untreated. Learning what could initiate by re-imagining what is at hands can be much more interesting, both process-wise as result-wise. Tinkering, coming up with on-the-spot, improvised solutions applied in context, serving a function no less than a untouched material would.
Second main learning of term 1: Another learning point was the introduction to HTML-language, online documentation and more extensive and expressive writing in general. This allowed a more introspective approach and better digestion of the course-material.
Third main learning of term 1: A third takeaway was that the transition to a more hybrid form of work can come in quite a natural refined matter and time-frame. From October on I began to experiment a bit with freelance- and personal work. Spreading this workload out weekly and alternating between projects is luxurious.

Project continuation: Stated in term 1's final page Design Dialogues, the two most important next (consecutive) steps for continuation were to personally determine what and why I want to pursue in the project and - with that info present - use the resources to state the project goals and create a rough timeline.

figure 1: SWOT-analysis of project Duckweed Incubator.


In my perception, looking at the current stance of the project and its potential ways of developping lets some realization arise that there is a factor or dimension lacking. Clearly there is some sort of pre-defined base to expand upon but to me it feels far from serving an actual purpose. Molding the project into a (aqua)ponic format seems at this point as a rather logical, obvious development but not the one that could create the outcome I have in mind for it. In the paragraph below are a few scenarios or aims stated that would clarify and help the project in its current shape.

In extension to that, a few factors that could weighten the project at a later point in time:

Offcourse these factors are imaginative and not influencable perse. Therefore I decide to interpret them as an assumed proof that the expression of the project simply can only be determined by trial and experimentation.


Currently as a duo we are in contact with several parties. To explore options within reach to put our experiment in context.

figure 2: Timeline of term 2.