Making Sense and Meaning

The second seminar of the second trimester is hosted by Tomas Diez. Consisting of five sessions spread over the term, 'Making Sense and Meaning' will run till medio March.

Session 1: January 19th

In its first meeting we got introduced to the course's literature and a series of names of possible lecturers with variant backgrounds and expertises. As preperation for the second course several sources of literature and reference material was presented to us. Out of these items the material from John Verveake's 'Awakening from the Meaning Crisis' spoke most to me. Listening to his more ordinary explanation about how in the past years some tendacy has risen to the surface in which individuals seek eagerly for meaning was very relatable. Thinking of it, a few weeks ago I started blocking all the selfproclaimed motivational videos that were suggested to me by Instagram pages and Youtube accounts in which billionaires and athletes point people at their 'life-goal' to 'succeed'.

To name an - in my opinion - more founded example, Dr. Jordan Peterson, a popular clinical psychologist is someone who shares ideas for individuals to find their meaning and ways for self-improvement. His podcast has weekly episodes and he joins other's to widely discuss heavy topics that attract a lot of (mainly) male youngsters. When asked on why he thinks his ideas are so attractive nowadays he stated:

"People need so little encouragement. Someone telling them to clean their room is often enough for a first step to finding meaning. Your frontier doesn't have to be continents to explore or wars to win. There are plenty of problems that will present themselves to you as being your problem that require you solving them. Solve them."

Session 2: February 1st

As guest speaker Mrs. Stephanie Hankey held a lecture on 'Tactical Tech' regarding her thoughts and experiences with meaningful 1PP design.

Session 3: February 14th

Discussing the literature and topics such as blockchain. Supporting us to re-read certain articles when they seems interesting. How 21th-century humans will be remembered by chicken bones 'Seven Cheap Things' and 'Ecology of The Mind'.

Session 4: February 28th

In anticipation of the fourth session we were asked to write a 500 word abstract of our personal take on 'Design'.

Session 5: March 21st

As wrap-up for the 'Making Sense and Meaning' course over the second term the final seminar took place on March 21st. The 2500 word full paper submission.